Live Little

How do candles work such magic?
A little wax, a sprig of wick, and
with a flame they right
a room.

Hatred ebbs,
worries wane,
uncertainties erode,
and hope obtains
for a time.

It is amazing what a little
light does in its being little.
Brightness blinds and search
lights cast hard shadows.
But a gentle lumination hallows a room and
creates a warm space that slips inside.
The softness suggests Spirit,
birthing hope,
suckling faith,
begetting love
from a spirited candle,
teaching us to live little.

2 thoughts on “Live Little

  1. shoreacres says:

    So, so tender and true. It brought to mind the old song: “If everyone lit just one little candle…” The quality of candlelight can transform a world.

  2. agjorgenson says:

    Thanks. Glad you enjoined it! It came to me, unsurprisingly, at night under candlelight.

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