Traversing Thoughts

I’m back now
after some
days away and in
diverse ways this
wandering has
left me in

Airports are organic
too and sometimes
chaotic markets are
coherent after
a fashion.

Airline tickets have
an aesthetic – a taste of
their own while
tongues, indeed, are
dry now and then.

And change, change
that matters may be
so subtle so
chameleon like
as to be

3 thoughts on “Traversing Thoughts

  1. shoreacres says:

    Your line about the organic airports brought to mind my first trip to Minneapolis/St. Paul, and my astonishment at the airport. It was cleaner than my house, by far, but even more noticeable were the lines of the building. They were so pleasing, they felt quite different from other airports I’d moved through. Perhaps the designers had organic rather than geometric shapes in mind.

    Of course, you also brought to mind the markets of West Africa, particularly Liberia. They did seem chaotic to me at first, but by simply moving into them, without expectation, their natural order began to reveal itself, and they soon felt like home.

    • agjorgenson says:

      Yes, it is a lovely airport! The airport in Mumbai is only five years old or so, and full of enticing swoops, along with honeycomb-like pillars that fan out. And yes, markets have an order and as you move through them it sometimes seems like it is scripted.

  2. Niranjan B S says:

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